Sapa trekking

After a good nights kip at the wonderful Sapa Vista Hotel we’re all set to start our two day trek into the rice terraces of Sapa. I have been waiting for this moment for 10 years! Ever since I returned from my first trip to the south of Vietnam I have been a trifle obsessedContinue reading “Sapa trekking”

En route to Sapa

I am finally dragged away from the fantastical Bac Ha market and we’re on our way to Sapa, our final destination for the day. Enroute we visit one of the many traditional hill tribe villages to get a sense of what life is like in the green hills around Sapa. This is Trung Do villageContinue reading “En route to Sapa”

Colourful chaos

Carrying on with our exploration of the incredible Bac Ha market, we’ve taken a break for a refreshing beverage. Coconut juice is just one of the many flavoursome drinks on offer, but caffine addict hubby is fixated on the strong local coffee! We’re heading deeper into the market now and the vendors get closer together,Continue reading “Colourful chaos”

Various vegetables

Moving swiftly away from the grisly meat end of the market, I’m back on more palatable ground in the colourful vegetable section of Bac Ha market. Mountains of jewel bright carrots, onions, courgettes and bitter gourds tumble to the ground wherever you look. Tiny, scorching chillies, quail eggs and all the fresh herbs you couldContinue reading “Various vegetables”

Bustling Bac Ha

Bac Ha is one of the most colorful ethnic markets of all Northwest Vietnam. It is a fusion of the many different hill tribes that inhabit the Bac Ha mountain district and here you can easily distinguish them by their different colourful traditional clothing. I was in seventh heaven surrounded by the colourful typical traditionalContinue reading “Bustling Bac Ha”

Rocking, rolling, riding

Leaving Hanoi behind again for now we’re heading on another adventure. This time to a place I’ve wanted to see for over a decade, ever since I came back from South Vietnam, I have been obsessed with the incredible scenery of the rice terraces of Sapa. So we’re heading further North, aboard the night trainContinue reading “Rocking, rolling, riding”

Traversing train street

We’re heading to one of Hanoi’s most unusual and hair raising tourist spots now – train street! Trains rumble right through this narrow residential street and you can stand and watch. Well you used to be able to – it has now been closed for health and safety reasons due to the number of selfieContinue reading “Traversing train street”

Fantastic fabrics

Established in 1889, Dong Xuan Market is Hanoi’s largest indoor market and is crammed to the rafters with a bewildering array of goods from fresh produce, plastic hair accessories and makeup to electronics and household appliances. Let’s explore just a small section of it below – the fabric floor! Being the daughter of an immenselyContinue reading “Fantastic fabrics”