Tate – old school

Having sampled some of the more modern art on offer in the Tate we also had time to wander around some of the older works (or, as I like to call it, the “real” art!!) Yes, controversial I know, but I am not a massive fan of “modern” art, Hence the last time I visitedContinue reading “Tate – old school”

Tate walk through

Having a cultural moment now with a very quick whisk around the Tate gallery. It’s crammed pack full of an awe inspiring display of incredible art, from the rich, sumptuous pre raphaelites to uber modern, conceptual pieces. As we had very limited time we opted for the super quick immersion into all that the TateContinue reading “Tate walk through”

Borough market

Fresh back from a weekend whizzing around London and visiting a few new places. One of which is the Borough Market in Southwark close to the Shard. Apologies for fuzzy pics, they’re all taken on my mobile!! Borough has long been linked with food markets and as far back as the 11th century, London Bridge attracted traders selling grain,Continue reading “Borough market”

Mercado Central de Atarazanas

Malaga central market is another foodie heaven, crammed to the rafters with a veritable cornocopia of fresh goods, meats and jars of anything you can imagine. Malaga Central Market, also known as The Mercado Central de Atarazanas is a gorgeous piece of architecture as well as a haven for nibbles and tasty treats. The gorgeous stainedContinue reading “Mercado Central de Atarazanas”

Colourful Capri stalls

Still shifting through the past few years worth of photos in search of favourite market piccies. Here’s a myriad of colourful delights from the gorgeous little island of Capri. From the obvious Italian pastas to the island’s preocupation with lemons, there are so many lovely little knick knacks. There are also lots of incredible paintedContinue reading “Colourful Capri stalls”

Silk and worms

Just uncovered a disk of extra photos from our 2013 Thai adventure. A trip around a Chiang Mai silk farm as part of a traditional crafts day! Apologies for the grainy pictures, it was quite dim inside for the sake of the moths!! The production of Thai silk begins with the Bombyx mori, a smallContinue reading “Silk and worms”

First ever Asian markets

My trip to South Vietnam in 2008 marked the start of my love affair with Asia and all its quirky delights. It’s also the first place I encountered some of the cavernous trade markets with their endless produce for sale that I grew to adore. In Ho Chi Minh the Bin Thay market is aContinue reading “First ever Asian markets”