Empire State of mind

Finally, the time has come, to visit the most iconic, of all NYC icons – The Empire State Building!! We’re going up not once but twice, as our City Pass allows for two visits on the same day. So we’ll see the Big Apple from above in the daylight and again at night too. TheContinue reading “Empire State of mind”

Times Square by night

Suckers for punishment that we are we decide to make a second pilgrimage to the tourist trap that is Times Square. But this time at night to check out the ads in all their glorious, eye wateringly neon glory. If the place was bad by day you could multiple the crowds, noise and frustration byContinue reading “Times Square by night”

Central Park

When you think of New York, one of the most well known places is Central Park. Appearing in countless films, TV shows and music videos, it’s the quintessential icon of New Yorker’s leisure time. Central Park is the fifth-largest park in New York City, covering 843 acres and was established in 1857. It has nearly 50Continue reading “Central Park”