Montjuic, cable cars and distinct lack of Font Magica

Neil had bigged up the epic spectacle that is the Font Magica, apparently it is an amazing display of water, music and lights. So up we trundle and get a prime spot on the steps in preparation. There’s lots of other eager tourists all sitting around like little flocks of sight seeing pigeons, all anticipating thisContinue reading “Montjuic, cable cars and distinct lack of Font Magica”

Beach picnics and Olympics . . .

So as Barcelona is so eye wateringly expensive to eat out, we are the experts at supermarket shopping and impromptu picnics. Here’s Neil on the beach at La Barceloneta with one of our many on the cheap meals!! (Looks like he has given himself a rather painful injury on the left . . ) La BarcelonetaContinue reading “Beach picnics and Olympics . . .”