Horror and hope

Our next stop is a sombre one – the now infamous town of Hiroshima, forever synonymous with the horrors of the atomic bomb. Whenever we travel, we do our best to try and get beneath the surface of a country, to see all sides of it and it’s history. This can sometimes mean uncomfortable, orContinue reading “Horror and hope”

Pointe de la Torche

Next up is a jaunt to Pointe de la Torche – or in Breton – Beg an Dorchenn. Pointe de la Torche is a promontory located at the southeastern end of the Baie d’Audierne in Plomeur. It attracts surfers, body boarders, kitesurfers, wind-surfers, waveskiers and land yachters and has been the site of several championships.Continue reading “Pointe de la Torche”